Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Two People

Two People

When white snow, one flake and then another

Covers the rim of the ridge

I wind leg warmers around my straw sandals

Pull my cloak tight about me and

While I draw myself up tall

Though I turn on my heels to go . . . . . . . . .

I look back again and again

I look back again and again
So-wöl Kim Chöng-sik 1902~1934

두 사람

흰눈은 한잎 또 한잎

嶺기슭을 덮을때

짚신에 감발하고 길심매고

우뚝 일어나면서 돌아서도 . . . . . . . . .

다시금 또 보이는

다시금 또 보이는

素月 金廷湜

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