Korea’s Pulse 朝鮮의 脈搏
One night when like the ashes of a dead fire
My passion closed my two eyes and while I was still,
I tried to feel Korea’s feeble pulse,
I am your capillaries, its pulse.
After awhile it was dawn --under the brightening eastern sky
While hope and courage raised my two hands,
I heard Korea’s childrens’ sighs,
I am your trachea, its breaths.
But, look! On such a morning, along the road
Robust youngsters, young students, their
Ball-throwing swift hands, the two strong arms of the
women students hugging their books
Their radiant faces, vigorous gaits—
Ah ah is this not the pulse of Korea, indeed?
The vigorously growing infant’s two rosy cheeks,
Their resounding cries as they search for the pap,
Though tiny, their vigorous hands grasping,
Their grinning, laughing lips, bright eyes overflowing with joy—
Ah ah, Korea’s aorta, Korea’s lungs, you babes, it is only for you …
One night when like the ashes of a dead fire
My passion closed my two eyes and while I was still,
I tried to feel Korea’s feeble pulse,
I am your capillaries, its pulse.
After awhile it was dawn --under the brightening eastern sky
While hope and courage raised my two hands,
I heard Korea’s childrens’ sighs,
I am your trachea, its breaths.
But, look! On such a morning, along the road
Robust youngsters, young students, their
Ball-throwing swift hands, the two strong arms of the
women students hugging their books
Their radiant faces, vigorous gaits—
Ah ah is this not the pulse of Korea, indeed?
The vigorously growing infant’s two rosy cheeks,
Their resounding cries as they search for the pap,
Though tiny, their vigorous hands grasping,
Their grinning, laughing lips, bright eyes overflowing with joy—
Ah ah, Korea’s aorta, Korea’s lungs, you babes, it is only for you …
Muae Yang Chu-dong 1903~1977
朝鮮의 脈搏
한밤에 불 꺼진 재와 같이
나의 정열이 두 눈을 감고 잠잠할 때에,
나는 조선의 힘 없는 맥박을 짚어 보노라.
나는 임의 毛細管, 그의 맥박이로다.
이윽고 새벽이 되어 환한 동녘 하늘 밑에서
나의 희망과 용기가 두 팔을 뽐낼 때면,
나는 조선의 소생된 긴 한숨을 듣노라.
나는 임의 기관氣管이요, 그의 숨결이로다.
그러나 보라, 이른 아침 길가에 오가는
튼튼한 젊은이들, 어린 학생들, 그들의
공 던지는 날랜 손발,
책보 낀 여생도의 힘있는 두 팔
그들의 빛나는 얼굴, 활기 있는 걸음걸이
아아, 이야말로 참으로 조선의 산 맥박이 아닌가.
무럭무럭 자라나는 갓난 아이의 귀여운 두 볼.
젖 달라 외치는 그들의 우렁찬 울음.
작으나마 힘찬, 무엇을 잡으려는 그들의 손아귀.
해죽해죽 웃는 입술, 기쁨에 넘치는 또렷한 눈동자.
아아, 조선의 대동맥, 조선의 肺는 아가야 너에게만
무애 양주동 无涯 梁柱東
Great blog, thank you for translating these.
If you could add the date the poems were written, that would be great too. Thank you.
It is hard to determine exactly when the poems may have been penned, Duncan, but I will put the years of birth~death of each poet as known. Hope this adds to your enjoyment. Regards, Doc Rock
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